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Steering Committee

East Colfax Cultural District Steering Committee ApPlication:

The East Colfax Cultural District was formed in 2022 to claim, celebrate, and preserve the rich history and cultural diversity of the residents and locally-owned small businesses that call East Colfax home. The community-led steering committee was launched in 2023 to guide the Cultural District’s work and make decisions about what kinds of small business promotion, arts & cultural events, community spaces and initiatives should be created to make the District a thriving and inclusive place that meets the needs and aspirations of the East Colfax community. We are looking for members to join the committee! Committee members meet virtually once a month for hour-long meetings, along with four in-person meetings per year (one per quarter). Members also help plan and carry out several events during the year. Please fill out the brief application below to tell us about yourself and your interest in serving on the Steering Committee. Preference will be given to those who live or work along the East Colfax Corridor and adjacent neighborhoods, and who are the most directly impacted stakeholders. *We will not use your contact information for any purpose other than this application and to communicate about the steering committee’s development.* Thank you!

Demographic information - optional, but will help ensure a diverse and inclusive committee. Are you a: (choose any that apply)
Do you identify as an immigrant or refugee?
The committee currently meets on the second Thursday of each month from 6-7pm. Can you commit to attending monthly meetings for 1 year? (occasional absences are allowed)
Stipends of $25/hr. are available to compensate committee members for meeting time, dependent on funding. Childcare may also be available for in-person meetings. Which of the following would make it possible for you to participate? Please check all that apply.
In addition to attending meetings, are you able to help with at least 1-2 events per year? Time spent at events is considered volunteer time, and is not covered by stipends.

Thanks for submitting!

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